
Our Consulting Services


Environmental and safety management systematically manages the requirements of the company and its projects with respect to environment, safety and occupational safety. Companies are increasingly integrating environmental and safety management with other aspects of company management, such as quality management.

GOP works according to quality, environmental and safety management system standards, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. In GOP ‘s experience, these standards lead to more effective operation and management of projects, leading to higher quality of work and reduced accidents, costly environmental clean ups, etc. Also, the environmental and safety management systems have led to increased environmental and safety awareness among employees in design and consulting and other daily activities in and out of the workplace.

Benefits of Environmental and Safety Management:

The benefits of incorporating environmental and safety management systems are significant. Managing the requirements systematically reduces risk, lowers operating cost and improves overall performance. This in turn leads to increased customer trust, as well as the company’s image and the health and safety of employees.

Incorporating an environmental and safety management program involves the following:

  • Strategic planning:

At the beginning a policy is formed and document for the areas of concern. GOP assists companies in shaping policy and goals and guides the company in reaching these goals.

  • Analysis:

GOP assists companies in analyzing the current state of affairs in respect to safety, occupational and environmental aspects and requirements that apply to the relevant activities. This assistance includes all legal requirements and permits, and any requirements that the company is bound to fulfill due to internal policies or agreements with customers or suppliers. 

  • Documentation:

Based on the results from the analysis, GOP offers consulting and services regarding documentation of procedures and instructions to minimize operational risk and improve performance in the areas of concern.

In order to maintain effective systems, the systems must be based on the following:

  1. Continuous Improvement and Training:

To implement new procedures in companies, training and education of employees is important. This ensures the new systems are effective for the future and that improvements are constantly worked on in order to improve the company’s performance. GOP assists in organizing and representing training and education to employees and provides consulting regarding work safety and environmentally friendly solutions. 

  1. Monitoring and performance evaluation:

Performance evaluations are essential in order to maintain best practices and constant improvements. GOP offers performance monitoring consulting and assists in creating an annual report regarding the company‘s performance in operating environmental and/or safety management systems.



GOP Audit and Inspection serves as the perfect initial point to meet any new client engagement. We are a competent safety auditor capable of fulfilling Health & Safety Compliance along with all applicable legislation.

By recognizing areas of strengths and weaknesses within your organization and emphasizing global’ and ‘systems auditing aspects, GOP validates the efficacy of your health and safety management control system. We adhere to the below steps to make sure that you are compliant with health and safety:

  1. GOP consultants with relevant expertise will conduct the Health & Safety Audit. The consultants will:
  2. Evaluate how much the existing system meets and complies with the relevant legislation.
  3. Make a review of your current health & safety policies, setups, and management systems.
  • Considers the need of managing the health & safety risks.
  1. After the Audit, Workplace Health, and Safety Inspection will be done that includes:
  2. A complete workplace inspection
  3. Outlining health & safety compliance
  • Suggestions and guidance are required for compliance with legislation and best practice.
  1. Have conversations with employees wherever it is relevant.
  2. comprehensive report that comprises findings and recommendations for health and safety is created and it includes:
  3. An exclusive summary listing out highlighted findings and suggestions.
  4. An Action Plan derived based on the findings and recommendations.
  • Photographs
  1. Audit Checklist for Management
  2. Checklist for workplace inspection
  3. Health and Safety Audit Document.

These audits can be done to attain ISO 45001:2018 / ISO 14001:2015 or for any general purpose like for submission to Client.



A comprehensive fire safety audit identifies the inherent fire   hazards associated with everyday activities within an occupancy and suggest mitigation strategies to reduce them.

A fire Risk audit is an effective method for evaluating an organization’s fire safety practices. In this audit, the potential fire hazards arising from everyday activities within the occupancy are evaluated and mitigation measures are suggested.

Furthermore, it allows individuals to identify areas that require improvement and create an action plan.

GOP provides Fire Risk Audit services to buildings and industrial complexes. Our comprehensive fire safety audit offers a systematic and organized approach to identifying potential fire hazards.

GOP’s Fire Safety Audit includes the following services:

  • Identify all fire hazards that pose a significant risk.
  • Identify individuals who are at risk of each hazard.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current control measures to reduce risk to an acceptable level.
  • Determine if additional control measures are required to reduce the risk further.
  • Review the emergency plan’s availability and responsibility, including the actions of key personnel.
  • Assess the suitability of the fire alarm systems.
  • Inspect fire-fighting systems, including hydrants, sprinklers, and extinguishers.
  • Evaluate the awareness of fire safety and rescue among occupants and security personnel.
  • Provide fire safety training and instructions to employees and occupants.
  • Test all fire safety equipment and systems.


Do you know which hazards in your workplace pose the greatest risk?

Identifying risks and taking action to prevent possible injury or illness is vital to keeping your employees safe, your business uninterrupted and organization in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and applicable regulations.

Overwhelmed and not sure where to start?

 “Let our experts be your guide”

  • Hazard Identification:

During a Hazard Identification, a consultant will conduct a physical conditions inspection. They will visit your business, inspect the physical space and identify hazards. You will be presented a report of the identified hazards; valuable information you can use to build your action plan.

Hazard identification is the first step to mitigating risk and should be followed by an assessment to support prioritization of addressing the highest risk hazards.

  • Hazard Assessment

Completing a Hazard Assessment requires strong knowledge of potential hazards and appropriate controls, best practices, guidelines, regulations and legislation. This can take significant time and staff resources. Why not let GOP safety team do the work for you?

A GOP consultant will work with you to identify hazards, then assess each according to best-in-class industry standards. They’ll review your business by work areas, positions or tasks, talk to your staff and supervisors, and potentially review internal documents. The result, a personalized written report ranking workplace hazards by severity, so you know what to prioritize first. You’ll also receive suggestions on how to manage the hazards, leaving you with an action plan to protect your workers and your business.

  • Detailed Job Task Hazard Analysis

When a high-risk job has been identified in your workplace – or there are recurring injuries or illnesses in a particular role – a Detailed Job Task Analysis is recommended.

During a Detailed Job Task Analysis, a GOP safety team will closely review the identified job. They’ll visit your workplace to observe the tasks being performed, interview affected worker(s) and review your documentation. Our consultant will then break the job down into a sequence of steps, identifying possible hazards for each and assessing their level of risk. Most importantly, they’ll recommend the safest way to perform the job using controls. At the end of the process, you’ll receive a report outlining job specific recommendations and possible action items.

  • Technical Hazard Assessment

Some types of hazards may require a Technical Assessment due to the nature of the work or a strong presence of a particular hazard.

When the need for a Technical Expert and Hazard Assessment is identified, our consultants will provide a detailed scope of work, including expected outcomes.


  • Workplace Violence Risk Assessment

A Workplace Violence Risk Assessment will help you recognize behaviors, conditions, circumstances and work practices that could contribute to incidents of workplace harassment and violence. Completing a Violence Risk Assessment supports your legal obligation under the Occupational Health & Safety Act, as well as reduces the potential risk of violence in your workplace.

GOP team will visit your organization to observe the physical conditions of your business and talk to your employees to better understand potential workplace risks. Best in class methods are used to conduct this work.



A fire risk assessment aims to determine the hazards present at your premises, the activities carried out there, and the likelihood that a fire could start and cause harm to those present or nearby.

The primary goal of the risk assessment is to ensure the safety of all building occupants. Furthermore, GOP’s staff may provide suggestions for property protection.

The Fire Risk Assessment conducted by the GOP will cover the following aspects where appropriate:

  • Identification of fire hazards
  • Fire prevention measures
  • Storage and handling procedures for flammable liquids and gases
  • Fire safety requirements for on-site contractors
  • Housekeeping practices
  • Escape routes from the premises
  • Compartmentation measures
  • Evaluation of the flammability of linings
  • Availability of emergency escape lighting
  • Presence of fire safety signs and notices
  • Assessment of fire detection and alarm systems
  • Examination of fire extinguishing systems and appliances
  • Analysis of smoke control systems
  • Evaluation of facilities for use by the Fire and Rescue Services.
  • Management arrangements for fire safety
  • Development of fire procedures
  • Provision of training and evacuation drills
  • Testing and maintenance of fire safety equipment
  • Maintenance of records.


A safe work environment is not only ethical but essential for a company’s success. We provide companies with safety management and consulting services to promote and maintain an ethical workplace atmosphere that equally values health, safety and environmental responsibility.

ur Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) consultants and specialists are equipped and available to address your company’s relevant challenges and concerns, while also providing education and awareness to achieve an accident-free environment on the job. Through daily compliance monitoring and interacting with crews, Safety Management Systems safety specialists facilitate on-site safety management for clients throughout the upstream, midstream and downstream industries. Our safety specialists are accredited by the NEBOSH and have diverse industry experience.



We offer a wide range of training services so that each employee at every level of your business can be equipped to handle emergencies and acquire the skills they need to contribute to the safety of your workplace.

Health & Safety Management Courses:

  • Safety management system basics
  • Disaster management and emergency planning.
  • Contractor safety management.
  • First aid.
  • Defensive driving training.
  • Health and safety basics.
  • Introduction to Personal Protection Equipment
  • Safe Welding & Cutting
  • Preventing Trip, Slip, Falls
  • Safe Manual Handling
  • Power Tools Safety
  • Work at Height
  • Permit to work
  • Electrical Safety
  • Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment.
  • NEBOSH Courses IGC.
  • Fire Extinguisher Training.

Emergency and evacuation plans.



Work environment measurements include:

  • Monitor air quality.
  • Measurement of gases emitted from various industrial activities.
  • Measurement of noise intensity, illumination intensity, thermal stress, and ventilation in the workplace.
  • Measurement of the total suspended dust concentration.
  • Measure the concentration of inhaled dust.
  • Equivalent noise intensity measurement.
  • Measuring the intensity of illumination.
  • Thermal stress measurement.
  • Measure the intensity of ventilation.
  • Vibration measurement.
  • Ultraviolet measurement.
  • Drawing and analyzing water and soil samples from different sources.


Our team of experienced specialists provides clients with expert assessments and advice that allow them to achieve high standards of working conditions both from an environmental perspective.

Our various environmental studies include:

  • Environmental Site Inspections
  • Environmental Baseline Surveys
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Studies
  • Preliminary Environmental Reviews
  • Review of Environmental Impact Assessments
  • Environmental Management Plans (Operational, Construction, etc.)
  • Environmental Audits
  • Emergency Response Plans
  • Facility Inspections.


The flora and fauna of Yemen have developed over time into a unique biological resource, characterized by a high degree of endemism. However, direct exploitation of resources, human settlement and development as well as the introduction of invasive species have negatively affected this biodiversity. Therefore, wildlife and vegetation survey requirements and associated methodologies are constantly evolving. At GOP our team has extensive experience conducting studies for projects across a wide range of habitats, including coastal habitats and protected areas. Our assessments ensure that biodiversity issues are appropriately considered and appropriate measures are recommended to avoid, minimize, restore and/or compensate for any potential impacts. Our surveys and assessments include:

  • Wild animals.
  • Basic studies of animals.
  • Endangered species.
  • Watching migratory birds
  • Detailed species-specific surveys.
  • Vegetation
  • Rare botanical surveys.
  • Inventory and control of invasive plants.
  • Mapping vegetation land cover using Landsat for planning, management and monitoring.


As a pest control company with over 7 years of experience, we understand the value of protecting facilities, warehouses, and factories. Our plans offer anything from individual treatment to ongoing preventive pest control services. During the initial visit, we will assess the situation and develop a plan to help eliminate the pests.



The issue of choosing the place to be rehabilitated and used for storage according to safe storage conditions needs great attention due to the significant impact it has on maintaining inventory.

GOP provides technical support for rehabilitation of stores and warehouses include:

  • Store design
  • Partitioning storage area.
  • Reservation zone of damaged goods
  • Corridors of workers and vehicles
  • Loading zones
  • Positions of safety and fire-fighting equipment.


  • Clearing and renewing environmental transactions and licenses
  • Screening project area with Drone
  • Screening and inspection of project areas and facilities using thermal imaging.